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少数派 发表于 2009-11-3 11:27:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2 p" o! T8 A& ~& S9 N, B' }5 f3 U4 ]7 i: \+ u+ \" Y% o

) D, ^3 g& i6 {0 O& K4 ~1 \We Are Peace3 w5 l* h' n3 u. I
PHOTO COMPETITION!!!STAMP has launched its photo competition “Picturing Peace”. Check out the contest rules here:Picturing Peace – EnglishLa Paix en Images – FrançaisSend your photos to medicine.peace@gmail.com. Twelve winning photographs will be made into a 2010 peace calendar, with first and second place winning a cash prize! The calendar will be available for purchase at the McGill Bookstore at the end of November and in December 2009. More details to come!) F+ Y* ?! V2 `: m1 f0 n
October 7th, 2009: Our Evening for Peace was a big success! Students from across campus joined us for an evening of Middle Eastern snacks, music, and an art project. We created doves with images and messages of peace, to be hung on our mural of an olive tree, which will be displayed in the McGill McLennan-Redpath library exhibition space during the week of January 24th, 2010. Blank doves will be available at the exhibit, so that you can contribute your own message of peace to our project! Click on the gallery below for more photos from this event and previous events:
2 L4 F& A) ~" f1 V; X, Q7 [1 b October 2009 October 2009 October 2009 October 2009 October 2009 October 2009 October 2009 October 2009 October 2009 October 2009 October 2009 October 2009 STAMP members at We are Peace launch event (April 2009) STAMP members painting the peace mural Handshake of peace on our mural (April 2009) ; A& y4 V. p. F  E6 |4 s
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What is We are Peace?We are Peace is STAMP’s campaign for a peaceful campus. STAMP members identified the need for a space to engage the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a peaceful, inclusive, and humanistic way. By transcending the political dimensions of the issue which are so often a source of great tension, we instead focus on relationship building, finding common ground, and fostering mutual understanding in order to strengthen the fabric of our community. Read our Statement of Intent.
: K. |8 t, b/ hOur launch event in April 2009 involved an evening of Middle Eastern food such as falafel and hummus, Israeli and Arabic music, and painting a with images and messages of peace. Participants of diverse religious, ethnic, and political backgrounds attended, and our peace mural was later displayed in McGill’s McLennan-Redpath library in May 2009.
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Proceeds for this campaign will benefit PeacePlayers in the Israel and Palestine: http://www.peaceplayersintl.org/dsp_middleeast_background.aspx2 |7 h. D, V- |5 V" C

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8 l/ {1 N7 Y/ W5 k- I8 k

  p, |; M& _6 F% k5 Q
绮晴菊 发表于 2010-4-26 20:34:13 | 显示全部楼层
- |- J% v$ ]  _& d. e        那么在英美国家有没有这样的普通话呢?这样我们在学习英语的时候就可以直接学习这样标准的语音,从而省去了学习中麻烦,从而达到事半功倍的效果。但是很遗憾,这个美好的愿望是无法实现的。& ^0 F* P% ^( C. T
  u7 M- @7 G6 S  |: u; P2 c9 S        当然这里还有另外一个原因,在英语上目前虽然没有一个统一的口音,但是各地的口音之间的区别却是相当小的。比如英国音与美国音之间的区别,还赶不上普通话与天津话的区别(离北京才120公里)。所以在中国推进普通话的必要性也比这些英语国家标准语音的要求要强烈的多。& I3 j8 Z: x+ E+ S. R$ O' }
        那么在英语当中没有标准的语音这个问题,在学习的时候也却实会给学员们带来不少的学习困难,很多学员都想以一种标准口音为目标去学习,但是现在这个标准又不在,怎么办呢?其实从语言发音学习的角度来看,最好的方法是多听不同口音的英语,这样不但有利于提高学员对于英语语音的敏感性,还能够改善成年人的发音能力。1 B" X: |) _8 j& i2 p- g5 @
) Q# m5 C; c8 h* v5 h8 @8 E        超分贝英语网站:www.yiEnglish.com 注:如果您觉得本文对你有用,欢迎告诉您的朋友。转载请以链接的形式注明出处。
1 o. w5 p  j9 B- w$ Y3 ~: o- b
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